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Employee Engagement, Wellness and Productivity

Our Program

Organizations from every industry are using MY BIG IDEA® to engage employees and leaders, help them set and achieve transformational goals, and drive business growth.
Our interactive workshops, delivered in-person or virtually, are transformational experiences that encourage participants to set, measure and achieve results that lead to personal and professional fulfillment. Work-life blend is achieved when individual goals effectively align with organizational business objectives.
Utilizing a full suite of tools, participants leave the workshop with a year-long action plan including accountability milestones to ensure they stay on track.
smiling woman hodling a pen in her hand ready to write

Our Process

The MY BIG IDEA® program is built on three distinct pillars:
Reflect, Refuel, Results™. These pillars guide each section of our program, providing the structure and organization that allows participants to experience a highly impactful launch to their year-long quest for goal achievement.


We begin the workshop with an introspective process of self-discovery, designed to shift personal vision and identify strengths. Participants gain an understanding of their personal motivators and their role in goal achievement.


Working in a fast-paced environment can be all-consuming and stressful. Providing opportunities to refuel is essential to energy, motivation, and focus. Each MY BIG IDEA® session teaches participants to connect values, purpose, work-life blend, and achievement.


Participants walk away with a toolbox of processes to track achievement and remain motivated. Organizations benefit from a more engaged, productive workforce that understands their role in business growth and how their goals align with those of the business

Available Programs


Kick-started by a 60–90-minute interactive keynote, our Ignite program motivates and engages employees to begin a powerful self-directed journey to elevate their personal growth and professional productivity. Content for the Ignite program follows the MY BIG IDEA® Daily Planner. A variation of this program features a keynote presentation focused on gratitude. Based on material included in the #1 best-selling book The Currency of Gratitude, authored by Michele Bailey and published by ForbesBooks, participants will learn that small gestures can have big results when gratitude is promoted in business culture.
60-90 minute presentation
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happy employee participating in an online program


Our Activate program begins with an interactive and transformational half-day workshop. If conducted in person, the workshop is 4 hours in length whereas the virtual delivery is generally 2.5 hours in duration. Designed to create a safe environment for reflection and introspection, participants are guided through a process of identifying their strengths and goals in six key areas. Tools provided include the MY BIG IDEA® Workbook, MY BIG IDEA® Daily Planner and a copy of The Currency of Gratitude for each participant.
4 hours in person
2.5 virtual presentation
Includes MY BIG IDEA® Workbook, MY BIG IDEA® Planner and The Currency of Gratitude
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diverse people participating in a live workshop


The MY BIG IDEA® Elevate program opens with a full-day interactive in-person workshop that covers all the content offered in the Activate program, but also allows longer periods for individual reflection, more in-depth review of the six goal-setting sections of the MY BIG IDEA® Workbook, break-out sessions for peer-to-peer discussion, and potential customization of content to meet individual business priorities. Activities are expanded to allow time for creative exploration of interconnected ideas using the proprietary tools provided including the MY BIG IDEA®Workbook and MY BIG IDEA® Daily Planner. As gratitude is an important component of the program, each participant will also receive a copy of The Currency of Gratitude, published by ForbesBooks.
Full day presentation
Includes MY BIG IDEA® Workbook, MY BIG IDEA® Planner and The Currency of Gratitude
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diverse people in a supporting group session

Program Tools

MY BIG IDEA® provides each participant with interactive tools designed to complement individual learning styles and preferences.
These uniquely designed tools not only help identify individual goals, they facilitate creation of a personal action plan and provide a system of accountability to ensure goal achievement.

My Big Idea® Workbook

mbi workbook black
The MY BIG IDEA® Workbook is beautifully designed and includes six goalsetting sections along with interactive inserts and charts for accountability tracking. The workbook also includes a section on gratitude including sample cards to help participants express their thanks. Workbooks were designed to follow the MY BIG IDEA® holistic approach to goal achievement, setting the user on a clear and focused path for the future.
mbi planner

My Big Idea® Planner

The MY BIG IDEA® Daily Planner is a sleekly designed accountability tool with undated monthly and weekly calendars to track your daily activities as you work toward your goals. Each month starts with an action plan and objectives that build toward achievement of goals. With questions to prompt reflection, each planner includes monthly, quarterly and year end check-ins to track your progress.

The Currency Of Gratitude

published by ForbesBooks
the currency of gratitude book
In The Currency of Gratitude, MY BIG IDEA® Founder Michele Bailey, shares her passion for gratitude, and explains to the reader why gestures of gratitude are foundational to building a team of brand ambassadors and a company culture that leads to powerful business results. Complete with guidance, exercises and lively stories, The Currency of Gratitude is a #1 Amazon Best Seller.

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