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“My goal is to build an institution similar to the ones that had carried me through the first three decades of my life.”

Sounds like a big goal. That statement drove this person to become the founder of one of the most successful and outstanding corporations in the world today.

That was Jeffrey Bezos of Amazon in 1994. Yes, Amazon was his big goal.

Now regardless of what you think about Amazon or big business, I want you to focus on the concept of the big goal as you read this article.

Getting Started

You may wonder, “How would a 30-year old transition from leaving a high paying job to building a system that hadn’t been invented yet?”

Of course, it looks like an impossibility. In fact, maybe there were self-doubts. However, that would not stop the company from achieving its big goal. Though the company nearly went bankrupt in 2002, it went from a simple online bookstore to becoming a multi-corporation and one of the largest e-commerce giants in the world.

Amazon has redefined buying and selling, interfacing with over 304 million customers daily.

Interestingly, the problems Jeff Bezos had to confront are as similar as yours while journeying to the big goal.

Here are three common problems many business leaders face when trying to achieve big goals.

  1. Ambiguity

As beautiful as the big goal is, many business leaders lack its ownership. They are not able to simplify the goal such that investors, partners, employees, and customers, buy into it. Without a clear outlook of the big goal, it isn't easy to get the desired support, solidarity, and buy-in.

Even though you may have contributions that may not be measured, you need to have clear answers to questions relating to your big goal. You will need to streamline the goal into short, medium, and long term milestones, which help to measure small signs of progress made towards the big goal achievement. Trying to balance the long term goal with the short term may be difficult, so you need to deliver short term value now in order to earn freedom and grab bigger stakes in the future.

  1. Staying Up-to-Date

Staying educated, trained, skilled, and up-to-date remains an essential part of business today. Though it is intensive, both in resources and time expended, its effect on the long term is monumental to achieving the big goal.

The ever-evolving technology improvements and business changes must topics that a business leader stays on top of. You don’t want your big goal to have been bypassed by advances you were not aware of.  So, to keep up, leaders must make the time for reading and learning, and is best if this is on a scheduled and regular basis.

  1. Don’t Ignore the Business

When working to achieve a big goal, it is easy to have it become a sole focus. You need to be able to focus time on your big goal, all the while not abandoning your current business. This may seem dramatic, but I have seen well-meaning leaders get so involved in their new projects that they let their eye off their current business, the current cash cow, and come to regret it later.

While the excitement and challenge of the big goal are very seductive and can feel like it feeds your energy, the responsible thing to do is to do both in a measured way. If you want to devote yourself to your big goal, be sure to hand the operational reins of your other company (or companies) over to a responsible leader. This way you can devote yourself to your new big goal and have the peace of mind that your employees, customers, and business is operating with someone responsible focused on it.

If handing over responsibility is not something you want to or are able to do, consider a schedule by which you truly honour. Set aside part days or whole days during the week to devote to your big goal and ensure you keep to that schedule. You’ll have time for your existing businesses and time to work on your big goal.

Keep in mind, if it has been a while since embarking on a big goal, you may feel like you are not getting anywhere very fast at first, and that is OK. As they say, it is all part of the process.


Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

Chances are you’ve heard the popular saying, "patience is a virtue". Of course, patience is important in cases like waiting in line or sitting in traffic, but when it comes to your goals, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Think of it this way: if you want to start a business, go back to school, or completely change your life, the best thing to do is jump in headfirst. Waiting for the right time or resources may just kill the dream altogether.

Without goals, you can’t grow as a person. I want to shake you up a little. I want to tell you why you should stop waiting to go after your goals and give you some tips to get over that fear of “taking the plunge”.

Take Charge of Your Life:

The best thing that happens when you set goals and start working towards them is the feeling of being in control of your life. Finally, you’re in charge of where you’re going, what you’re doing.

Another part of being in charge is having the responsibility to take the steps that will help you get to your goals. Only you are obligated to make your dreams happen.

When you start taking charge and responsibility for your goals, you will gain the confidence to pursue them, achieve them, and then set bigger and better goals.

Gain A Sense Of Direction

When you set goals, you have a better idea of where you’re going in your life. Having that sense of direction makes all the difference in the actual pursuit of your goal. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up going around in circles.

When you do know the direction in which you’re going, it’s easier to plan for any obstacles and the next best step to take. You can make easy and small steps (all steps in the direction help, even the small ones) that lead you to where you want to be.

Having this plan will make achieving your goal so much easier and will give you a little more confidence each time you take a step.

Letting Go Of the ‘Fear Of The Unknown’:

If 2020 wasn’t the year of the unknown, I don’t know what was. If you have survived 2020, and you have because you are reading this, you have the courage and the stamina you need to go after your goals.

Taking the plunge may sound scary because no one likes uncertainty. The truth is that no matter what you do, life is uncertain, and the only constant is change. So what are you waiting for?

Until they can come up with an app that tells the future, life will always be uncertain. What is certain is that if you don’t get up and go after your goals, they’ll be nothing more than a dream.

Beat Procrastination to The Punch:

"I'll wait till Monday…." is one of the most common phrased used by procrastinators. Not only are you avoiding your goals, but you’re also on the fast-track to getting overwhelmed.

Putting things off never ends well, in any instance. Once you start making excuses for yourself, things will stay that way until you’re left feeling unaccomplished and unsatisfied with your life. This, my friend, is a recipe for disaster.

When you get up and get working on your goals, you avoid going down the rabbit-hole that comes with procrastination!

When You Snooze, You Lose:

How many times have you planned something and then put it off, only to find that when you are 'ready', you no longer have the opportunity to do it? It’s a disappointment, but you really can’t blame anyone but yourself.

Another popular saying you probably know is, “Time waits for no man.” This means that when you wait, you risk an opportunity for… well, everything! Every day is a new opportunity to change your life for the better, and if you don’t take it, you’re only wasting your own time.

The world's successful people are only so because they grabbed whatever opportunities came to them. The next time an opportunity comes your way, snatch it before it’s gone!

At the end of the day, what you do with your time is up to you, but you must remember that investing your time and energy into your goals is essential to your personal development.

Pursuing your goals can do more for you than just the reward of achieving your goal. By pursuing them, you can finally let go of the fear of the future, take charge, and have a sense of direction in your life.

Stop waiting for the right time, do it now!


Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

Is there someone that has helped you, but you just can’t seem to find a way to properly thank them? Do you want to show your gratitude in a more meaningful way than a text message?

A thank-you note is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation to those that have helped you, though in the tech-driven world we live in today, it has become somewhat of a lost art.  People often feel that a thank you note will take too long, or they just don’t know what to say.

Read on to learn why thank you notes mean so much and how you can create the perfect thank you note for someone that has helped you achieved your goals. Plus, we’ll talk about some celebrities who have made writing thank-you notes a habit.

Why Showing Your Appreciation is Important:

Humans love to be appreciated. It’s not just to inflate the ego, but because of a primal instinct to feel needed and to belong. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,  our need for self-actualization includes acknowledgment, appreciation, and respect.

Thanking People Who Have Helped You:

Today, you may think it’s a bit arbitrary to send someone a hand-written note, but it’s important to thank the people who have been a part of getting to where you are, meaning those who have helped you achieve your goals.

For example, if you achieved the goal of getting fit with the help of a personal trainer, it would be quite thoughtful if you were to actually thank them, even if “it’s their job”.

Think of it this way: could you have done it without them? Even if you could have, they still took the time and energy to help you, when they could have been helping someone else.

Appreciated Employees Are Happy Employees:

In the workplace, a simple thank you goes a long way. You don’t need psychology to tell you that an appreciated employee is a happy employee, which improves the workplace, in turn, affecting sales and ultimately the success of a company.

How To Get Started:

People tend to shy away from writing thank you letters because they think it either takes to long or that it won’t really matter. Neither of those are true. A thank you note will only take a few minutes for you to write, but it will mean the world to who receives it.

Keep It Simple.

This isn’t an Oscar speech, it’s not an extravagant list of everything someone has done for you in your life. All it takes is a few sentences about what someone did to help you, and why you’re grateful.

Make It Personal

Don’t just rewrite the same message to everyone. Mention what they did to help you and how much you appreciate it.

Be Meaningful

If you can’t be sincere, there’s really no point in writing the thank you note at all. You don’t have to get sappy but express your true feelings of gratitude to them.

Thank You Note Example:

As an example, here is a thank-you note to a career coach that helped their client to achieve their dream-job that they are currently excelling at.

Dear Sam,

I am writing to you to express my gratitude for your help in our latest virtual event’s massive success. You were an essential part of us getting this set up on time and actually pulling it off without any technical hitches! For this, I am very thankful. If it weren’t for your guidance and determination, I don’t know how we would have done it. Thank you!


Sarah M.

Celebrities Who Write Thank You Notes:

Fame isn’t an excuse to not show gratitude. Neil Armstrong wrote a thank you note to the EPU team that built his suit for the famous moonwalk.

Jimmy Fallon takes a comedic approach to the thank-you note but still brings it to your mind, nonetheless. Off-screen, he is known to send real and thoughtful thank-you notes to the people behind the stage, as well as each one of his guests.

The reason that there aren’t a lot of public examples of celebrities that write thank you notes is because these notes are meant to be personal, not be sold as paraphernalia or showed off.


Handwritten letters are not a thing of the past, especially as a sign of showing thanks. It’s a well-known fact that gratitude can change your perspective and overall mood. On the receiving end, gratitude is a confidence-builder that will undoubtedly make someone’s day.

When you’re writing a thank you note, remember to keep it brief, genuine, and thoughtful. It’s a simple gesture of gratitude for someone’s help in achieving your goal. Even celebrities send thank-you notes to those that have helped them! If they can do it, that means you can that the ones who have helped you achieve your goals!

Who will you write your next thank-you note to?


Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

COVID-19 has undoubtedly left everyone feeling uncertain. We have all had to adjust during this pandemic, especially our budgets. This has left many people feeling uneasy about their financial situation and perhaps feeling that there is no sense making or keeping to financial goals during this time.

At the end of the day, the pandemic really shouldn’t deter you from your financial goals. In fact, these uncertain times should make you take an even closer look at them. I know this may seem like an odd stance to take but read on to consider why you should rethink, not abandon your financial goals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now,  be sure to get your financial advice from someone certified to provide you that type of advice. But let me give you some things to think about regarding your mindset around money.

If you’ve made some investments, and don’t need the money right away, leave it where it is. The important thing to remember is that this pandemic is temporary, and the market will change.

Saving on Taxes

Despite the pandemic, it is a good idea to continue investing in your retirement fund, or an education savings fund for your child. If you haven’t set these up already, start one right away.

A retirement fund will not only help you to secure your future but help you to gain due to tax benefits (TFSA, RRSP). Contributing to your retirement fund reduces your taxable income, so the amount of taxes drawn from your paycheck every month will decrease.

Lower Interest Rates

Low-interest rates. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, interest rates for mortgages and loans are declining. If you want to invest in a new home, now may be the time to do so.

Alternatively, if you’ve already taken the loan and want to refinance it, you should seize the opportunity and get a lower interest rate. Because the interest rates are lower, there will be less interest to pay off.

Of course, this isn’t to say that you should go out and finance things you can’t afford, purely for the fact that the interest rates are low. You should still be responsible. What I want you to understand is to not let the COVID-19 situation drive you to bury your head in the sand and forget all your goals. Times are odd, and you still deserve to set and attain your goals, you just need to adjust your thinking and be sure to take your common sense with you!

Growing Your Savings:

A great lesson to be learned during this time of uncertainty is to build an emergency fund. You should have enough money for at least three to six months, should anything go wrong. If you get sick or are out of work for any other reason, you will still have a decent sum of money to fall back on.

There’s an infinite amount of good reasons why you should have an emergency fund, it’s just a financially smart decision. Whether it’s a college fun or just for a rainy day, an emergency fund is essential to staying afloat in times like these.

Ultimately, there are many good reasons to make financial plans and set financial and wealth goals, and no time is better than the present. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of confusion and worry, this doesn’t mean that your finances should suffer as well.

Always look for the silver lining in every situation and opportunities to increase your financial stability. Some of these silver linings include lower interest rates, being able to save on taxes, and lower stock prices. It may be difficult to look past the present situation, but thinking of the future is part of why we set and work towards achieving goals.


Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

As a woman entrepreneur, I have often felt like I’ve had to work much harder for success. Something I have often heard from peers is that in order to be taken seriously and to achieve the respect of our male counterparts, we need to prove ourselves worthy and beyond capable.

What I haven’t heard? “I’m so proud of myself because…” or “I just won…”. Why? Because as hard as we have to work, we’ve also learned that we should be humble, nearly silent, about winning. However, I’d argue that it isn’t boastful or egotistical to talk about our successes, but in fact, essential.

Empowering Others

As the first Canadian woman to receive the WPO Mary Lehman MacLachlan Empowerment Award, I strive to mentor and inspire other women business owners. My success is due, in part, to a wonderful support network of women who helped guide me along the way. I’ve seen their awards and recognition as proof that I could also be a great leader with a thriving business. I hope my achievements will do the same for the next generation of women.

Empowering female entrepreneurs is essential. I have a daughter, so paving the way for her success and showing her how it is possible has always been important to me. If you’re a parent of a daughter or a business leader with young female staff members, I’m sure you can relate. Our success, our awards, our recognition all stand as testaments to younger generations that it’s possible for them to do the same.

Competitive Edge

It would be disingenuous of me to say that inspiring others is the only reason we should flaunt our successes. Statistically, buyers feel safer when they engage with known brands. Winning awards build business awareness that can set you apart from competitors.

Notice that I didn’t say above. Awards don’t put you above your competition. It’s well-known that in today’s business climate, we can get further when we collaborate than compete, so I am all for collaboration. While there are many businesses out there that are doing things better, I strongly believe we can all learn from each other.

However, the visibility and positive attention that winning an award can bring to your business and your mission can’t be bought. There’s no doubt that it does give you a competitive edge.

Awards, Not Bragging, Are Important

Now that I’ve stated that success needs to be celebrated and acknowledged, let me take a minute to do just that.

A few weeks ago, WBE Canada awarded me a WBE Leadership Award. It celebrates those who significantly contribute to the growth and support of other women-owned businesses. Winning this award adds to my mission to empower other women business owners - and I’m proud of my achievement.

The award itself, not the bragging rights, is what excites me. I’m particularly proud because this award aligns with my personal and professional values tremendously and it means my brand is further exposed to partners, potential clients, and collaborators who share my vision.

I am also able to share this experience with my support network that helped me to achieve the award. I could not have won it without the support I had – and continue to have - and while the award may sit in my office, it’s shared with so many others.

Share Your Support

Entering or being nominated for business awards shouldn’t be something we’re quiet about. You are showing your support for your business community and you’re showcasing your success to inspire other women.

I encourage you to look for awards or recognitions for yourself or for women in your network. Sharing our stories expands our businesses and builds a bridge for future generations of women business owners to share in our success.

If you or your business could win an award, what would it be and what would you do if you won? Remember, there is such a thing as being TOO humble.


Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

Grit may not be a word you hear very often but it’s something that business leaders should strive to have ascribed to themselves. While the verbiage may differ in different definitions the main mark of someone with grit is their courage, strength of character, and perseverance. All attributes that influential leaders aim to possess. So how does one come to have grit? How is it acquired?

Real grit can only be developed through practice, experience, and failure. It’s not something you just wake up with one day, unfortunately. The only way to develop it, is to earn it. Not every business person or entrepreneur has grit and having grit doesn’t ensure your success. Being resilient and showing up consistently despite setbacks, that’s how you cultivate grit. It’s no wonder that grit is often magnified and fortified in difficult and strenuous times. If you’re looking to get to the next level and become a better version of yourself, here are 4 ways you can increase your grittiness.


This one may seem obvious but it’s something that some people overlook. It’s not just enough to learn a skill and be complacent with being average. Gritty people are always pursuing excellence at their craft and strive to learn better and more efficient ways of doing things. You want to become a little bit better every day, not remain stagnant, and satisfied with your current achievements. Practice also means that you don’t look at failures as setbacks, but rather view them as learning opportunities and a chance for you to improve for your next attempt.


Having a strong sense of purpose is a key ingredient in developing grit. Practice is useless if you’re not highly interested in what it is that you’re doing. Purpose can be extremely important if you’re in a business that serves others. Feeling truly connected to your business and what you’re doing to help improve the lives of others can really help keep you aligned with what you’re doing and be passionate about your work. Most things that are worth doing require time and sustained commitment. Feeling a sense of purpose for what you’re doing ensures you won’t veer off the path just because it’s challenging.


You need to truly believe you can succeed at what you’re doing. If you have limiting beliefs about your abilities then your grit will be affected negatively. Having hope also makes setbacks much easier to handle since they can simply be seen as a bump in the road and not a total car wreck. Having a vision for the future and maintaining a strong desire to reach your goals keeps everything progressing forward, even when things get tough.

Surround Yourself With Gritty People

You are the company you keep - and having gritty people in your corner will help you advance your own grittiness. Positive peer pressure, much like negative peer pressure, is contagious. Being around other people who are trying to elevate their skills, connect to their purpose, and have a strong vision for the future is an easy way to fast track your own grit skills.

Grit is revealed and developed in times like these. With all of the turbulence and uncertainty that has been swirling around, those who are able to rise to the challenge and turn a setback into an opportunity are those who are going to flourish. Being able to get out of your own way to focus on what’s important and what will move things forward is critical for any business when things don’t go to plan. Grit allows you to pivot and persevere and possibly come out of a rough situation better than when you entered it. That’s because those with grit are always focused on moving forward. Even if it’s not as fast as they’d like or the way they envisioned, they keep putting one foot in front of the other, determined to keep moving.

Being gritty is similar to being stubborn but in a very positive way. It’s the relentless pursuit of the end goal and the tenacity to keep moving forward, even when things get tough. It doesn’t diminish when the odds are stacked against you and can be one of your greatest assets when things don’t go according to plan.



Michele Bailey is president and CEO of Blazing Agency and My Big Idea®. These two lines of business work congruently to support her clients’ success.

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